Monday, 18 March 2013

Urban Design and Development Seminar 3

Ø  “The cities place in nature” – William Cronon

Ø  City transforms nature

Ø  Chicago manufacturing city od iron and steel in the 19th and 20th Century’s

Ø  1880 only 7 cities in the world had over 1 million people

Ø  Before the city, there was the land

Ø  Rail, highway and aviation has taken over water transport

Ø  Real estate is a leading indicator into the economy

Ø  Country was settled in a grid like structure – federal government gave away portions for free

Ø  It was very different from the more organic nature of other countries eg. China, Europe.

Ø  Cannot maintain an empire without infrastructure

Ø  Projected commercial/economic power – through infrastructure, canals, railroads etc.

Ø  ISOLATED STATE – access is important  - cue infrastructure

Ø  Movement of capital made the city grow more quickly (infusion)

Ø  Boosters used capital, media, press etc. to boost the presence of Chicago

Ø  Hinterland – central phase theory

1. Relation to that centre

2. Land has a purpose in relation to that centre i.e. Resources

Ø  Capital itself became the new emperor that developed the metropolis

Ø  What is the urban nature of capital? City transforms capital and vice versa

Ø  Chicago had natural advantage – flat and access to water

Ø  Chicago had industrial scale – meat processing methods – shipped to New York etc. consolidated in 1870’s due to the Eerie Canal

Ø  P67-68 Railroad, real estate – connection to suburban areas

Ø  1868 – Chigago first planned urban design – landscape architect

Ø  Railroads made of wood and steel and Chicago had both resources  - dominated steel and lumber trade industries

Ø  Land, infrastructure and capital – the relationship of all developing cities

Ø  Capital came from New York  visionaries

Ø  Standard time zones defined by railroads

Ø  High speed transportation changes our relationship of time and distance and the landscape

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